1: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:33:41.67 0.net



2: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:35:30.36 0.net
That’s rock

3: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:35:50.82 0.net
Was she spitting up blood?

8: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:45:17.18 0.net
That’s cool

10: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:50:38.99 0.net
This is a common occurrence

11: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:54:12.34 0.net
You’d get blisters, but not bleed like this


1: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/09(木) 23:52:45.16 0.net

3: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/09(木) 23:55:09.86 0.net
(;´Д`) ha~ha~

5: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/09(木) 23:56:30.13 0.net
She’s even prettier than when the group first formed
Their activities are really enriching

8: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:07:56.38 i.net
She’s Sasaki Nozomi level

9: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:08:42.46 0.net
Marin-chan always leaves her mouth loose that’s why lol

10: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:18:03.16 0.net
I only leave my mouth open and drool because it hurts from mouth ulcer

11: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 00:23:30.62 0.net
I want to a goblin that feeds off Marin-chan’s drool

20: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/10/10(金) 03:49:09.59 0.net
Drooling footage at 8:55~

So…. LoVendoЯ is an idol group right? ;D

Source: http://matomeldo.doorblog.jp/archives/41277272.html